7th Grade Language Arts is a challenging class. As we move from Elementary to Secondary education, we shift the burden of education surely onto the shoulders of students. The ability to read, write and think critically are critical to success. Students are expected to be physically, mentally and emotionally engaged in their education. Literacy is the key to life--it can unlock doors to the future. Students who engage in reading, writing, classroom participation and free-reading will find success. 90% of education is effort. Only through application, persistence, determination and drive will students find the path of true lerning and knowledge. The choice is yours--choose well!

Mr. Phillips
--B.A. English Language & Composition : CSULB 1993
--M.A. English Literature : CSULB 1999                             
--Credential English Language Arts : CSULB 1999      
Magruder Middle School TUSD 1999-2000
Madrona Middle School 2000-Present